Children’s Services Partners With Hull & The NM Network

Submitted on Wednesday, 10/26/2022 - 5:32 pm

Children’s Services recently announced a $370,000 partnership with Hull Services’ Pathways to Prevention: A Centre for Childhood Trauma and the Neurosequential Network. To help frontline staff better support kids, this funding will certify provincial staff on the Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics (NMT). NMT is an improved approach to trauma care that will help kids become emotionally healthy, learn long-term coping strategies and grow into healthy adults.

Developed by Dr. Bruce Perry, NMT is a therapeutic framework that uses practical neuroscience as a guide and helps front-line staff identify developmentally effective treatment for children. NMT’s focus is an understanding of how both trauma and relationships affect a child’s developing body and brain.

Pathways to Prevention: A Centre for Childhood Trauma is a division of Hull Services. This connection to Hull Services provides Pathways to Prevention with the synergies necessary to support research, training, education and learning, directly including how services are delivered within Hull’s programs. Pathways to Prevention will build on Hull’s well-established reputation as a leader in developmental trauma.

Pathways to Prevention’s work with the Neurosequential Model (NM) has given Hull a strong presence as leaders in trauma-informed care in the community and worldwide. We train and educate service providers and experts from many disciplines — education, health care, the legal community, social services, early childhood development — and arm them with the most current information about developmental trauma, its impact on children and how to respond, thus equipping them with the skills to deliver best possible practice.

“The goal of our new centre, Pathways to Prevention: A Centre for Childhood Trauma, is to have a future free from developmental trauma. There is no better way to begin this journey than in partnership with the Ministry of Children’s Services,“ says Dr. Emily Wang, Senior Clinical Director, Pathways to Prevention, Hull Services.

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