Hull Services Board Changes

Submitted on Wednesday, 07/05/2023 - 11:47 am

Hull Services is pleased to announce new appointments to our Board, and a new member. Ross Middleton, Managing Director & Senior Partner, Boston Consulting Group, our former vice-chair, has stepped into the role of Board Chair. 

“It’s a privilege to be serving Hull Services and honouring the legacy and vision of William Roper Hull. I’m proud of the support we continue to provide to youth and families in need and look forward to growing our impact in Calgary, through Alberta, and beyond,” says Ross, adding, “I’m particularly excited about Pathways to Prevention – our newly launched effort to tackle mental health challenges in our community at their root.” 

Ross has been on the Hull Services Board since 2018 and will be taking over this role from Ms. Bonnie Johnston, whose term ended as Chair and on the Board. We thank Ms. Johnston for her dedication and commitment to supporting Hull Services. 

Ms. Joanne Cox, who has been on the Board since 2020, is stepping into the role of Vice-Chair.  

We are also thrilled to announce and welcome Mark Brown, Vice President and General Manager, Fluor Canada, to the Board.  

We are excited about these appointments and how they will help the Agency partner with young people and families to build resilience today for a brighter tomorrow.