Gifts for Kids & Youth is designed to support those kids and youth who live in one of our group care programs or homes. The kids and youth in these programs or homes often do not see their families nor have any connection with them and therefore will spend the holidays in the care of Hull Services and would go without gifts at Christmas time.
Ways You Can Support Gifts for Kids & Youth:
1: Make a cash donation: Hull’s counsellors and program staff will shop for the children and youth in their care. To make a donation, you can use the below form.
2: Request a wish list from a kid or youth in care: We have asked each child or youth to give us a wish list of what they would like to receive this holiday season. Each child or youth provides a wish list of three items (each approximately $50). The donor can also pick a wish list and purchase one or more of the items and deliver them (unwrapped please) to Hull Services at 2266 Woodpark Avenue SW, or contact Debbie Wheeler to arrange for pick-up prior to December 16, 2024. You may request more than one wish list.
3: Purchase a gift: Purchase a gift from our below suggested gift list and we will ensure this gift is under the tree on Christmas morning for a child or youth. Donors can deliver the gift (unwrapped please) to Hull Services at 2266 Woodpark Avenue SW, or contact Debbie Wheeler to arrange for pick-up prior to December 16, 2024.
4: Pick a Hull Program: Choose a Hull Services program and purchase one or more of the wish list items for 8-15 children or youth in the program. Each child or youth provides a wish list of three items (each approximately $50). The gifts can be delivered (unwrapped, please) to Hull Services at 2266 Woodpark Avenue SW. Please contact Debbie Wheeler to arrange for delivery or for a pick-up prior to December 16, 2024.
5: Organize a Fundraiser: You or a company can do a fundraiser to help support during the holiday season. These funds go towards Christmas dinners, stockings, or gifts for children or youth that came in prior to the holidays and have not been matched with a donor. The fundraiser can be items from our general wish list, which includes items that a program would use on a year-round basis such as art supplies, hygiene items, socks, clothing, board games, TVs, gaming consoles, DVD players.