River Lodge is an intensive campus-based treatment program that provides clinical interventions for adolescents, with developmental, emotional and behavioural challenges. The program provides a trauma-informed, relationally rich milieu with an emphasis on socioemotional skill acquisition, community participation, and connection to natural supports and culture.
River Lodge provides services for special needs youth ages 12 to 17 years. Youth admitted to River Lodge often struggle to fit into social settings due to developmental delays, social, emotional and behavioural deficits.
Diagnostically, these youths present with multiple childhood disorders including but not limited to: Pervasive Developmental Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Conduct Disorder, Learning and Language Disabilities, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Anxiety, Depression and Intellectual Disability (borderline intelligence to mild mental handicaps).
Through evidence-based clinical interventions, the program strives to reduce significant behavioural challenges, enhance functional social skills, bolster connection with natural supports and prepare youth for a less-restrictive community setting.
The program is a multi-component program for youth guided by principles of Positive Behaviour Support (PBS), developmental neuroscience, and trauma-informed approaches including the Neurosequential Model (NM). The curriculum is individualized, intensive and focused on building new skills with precise behavioural teaching and counselling in the context of normal daily activities.
River Lodge (Formerly Cottage One) is a managed referral program
Please note: This program can only be accessed for youth with Children’s Services status and referral by a case worker.