11th Annual Jamboree for Charity

‘Two Stepping for Change’

Welcome Message 

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Etiam dignissim, ligula nec dapibus fringilla, lacus ex viverra libero, quis sodales nulla sem sit amet sapien. Nam id lorem et erat tincidunt molestie ac vel elit. Donec eu mollis eros, at semper quam.

Duis auctor nisl nulla, vitae faucibus nisl hendrerit sed. Duis auctor posuere dolor, elementum varius eros ultricies semper. Donec eget porttitor turpis. Pellentesque lacinia pellentesque quam sit amet ultricies. Cras sem ipsum, bibendum eget commodo quis, facilisis nec est.


EVENT INFO AND RSVP                OUR CAUSE                     DONATE

Event Info

Date: June 3, 2023

Time: 6:00 p.m. – 1:00 a.m.

Location: The Petroleum Club – Devonian Room  |  319 5 Ave SW, Calgary, AB   |  Click here to get directions

Dress Code: Country and Western. Dust off your cowboy boots and don your best cowboy hat!

Details: By invite only. Only 500 RSVPS available. Dinner included. Cash bar. No charge to attend.

Charity: Donations accepted in the name of Hull Services, a leader in providing child, youth, and family mental health services.

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    The Impact of Your Support

    10 – 20% of young people in Canada struggle with a mental or behavioral health challenge every day; often alone and with far reaching consequences. When trauma, such as sexual, physical, or emotional abuse, neglect, domestic violence, poverty, and other social disadvantages, occurs during a child’s formative years, it can impact their brain development. This affects their behaviour, and physical, mental and emotional health, leading to addiction and related health issues, school dropout, anxiety disorders, violence, crime, self-harm and suicide.

    For over 60 years, Hull Services has been providing leading edge child, youth and family mental health services to those who have experienced trauma. We use innovative and evidence-based programs to provide support to children, youth and families experiencing mental health struggles, behavioural problems, developmental delay, neglect, abuse and trauma. Hull Services offers a wide spectrum of services and programs from 24 hour, live-in care for children and youth to supports in the community for families.

    When you support Hull Services, you are making an investment in the lives of people…you are telling kids that they matter and that their future can be so much brighter than their past.


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