During high times of stress and crisis, it is not uncommon to experience strong emotions that challenge the way we cope. It is important during these uncertain times to take good care of yourself, your families, friends and neighbours, and to let calm and kindness guide your thoughts, words and actions.
Below are links to two tools we recommend to support people’s mental well-being during times of stress, such as COVID-19. We also invite you to contact Hull Services if there is anything we can do to assist you during this time.
Stress can be defined as the physical, behavioural and mental responses we have to perceived threat of our safety and well-being. While stress, in smaller doses, allow us to become more focused and attuned to things around us, stress in higher doses or for prolonged periods can be counterproductive to our daily routines and relationships. Adults and children alike can become overly sensitive and reactive in times of heightened stress. Social emotional competencies can help us regain an improved sense of calm, of ‘team’, and certain aspects of control.
CLICK HERE: SEL in Times of Stress – COVID-19
Pandemics, like COVID-19, challenge the way people cope. During a pandemic it’s not uncommon to experience strong emotions. Psychology helps us to understand normal responses to abnormal events – this can help Albertans cope. Novel & unfamiliar threats provoke anxiety & even unrealistic fears & racism. Social distancing, effective communication, & public health measures are realistic lines of defense.
CLICK HERE: 2020 March PAA Psychological Health in Pandemics
The outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) may be stressful for people and communities. Fear and anxiety about a disease can be overwhelming and cause strong emotions in adults and children.
CLICK HERE: Mental Health and Coping During COVID-19
ImaginAction helps you be more in control over how you feel. Explore the audio guides below to find out how you can make ImaginAction work for you!
David Kessler, world’s foremost expert on grief, shares his thoughts on why it’s important to acknowledge the grief you may be feeling, how to manage it, and how he believes we will find meaning in it. The conversation is lightly edited for clarity.
CLICK HERE: That Discomfort your feeling is grief
A guide to accept you feelings, tolerate distress, and thrive.
CLICK HERE: Tolerance for Uncertainty Workbook
Now that the “new normal” has started feeling, well, normal, how can we ensure we’re still remaining vigilant with our vital public health behaviors?
CLICK HERE: Don’t Let Cognitive Biases Cause you to Engage in Risky Public Health Behavior
A hub of resources to help you take care of yourself and look out for the people you love during this challenging time.
CLICK HERE: COVID-19 Youth Mental Health Resource Hub
COVID-19 has been especially hard for those struggling with substance abuse. Drug Rehab Services offers 70+ services to the Calgary area for those who are struggling with addiction and are in need of help.
COVID-19 vaccine program | Alberta.ca
With the growing concerns and precautions taking place around COVID-19, Hull Services remains committed to supporting the mental health and well-being of the young people and families we serve. During this time, one of our top priorities is to provide a safe and healthy environment for everyone at the Agency. Hull Services has an extensive plan to ensure we remain responsive to the needs of the people we provide services for, while assuring the health and safety of our staff.
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