Mental Health and Addiction Navigator

Submitted on Monday, 07/26/2021 - 3:19 pm

About the Mental Health and Addiction Navigator: 

The mental health and addiction navigator is a free, self-referred, confidential resource. The task of finding the right support at the right time in a complex system can be daunting and frustrating. The navigator is designed for youth, their parents/caregivers or professionals to receive help navigating available resources and supports more effectively within their community.  

How the Mental Health and Addiction Navigator Works:

The navigator will assess the needs of the youth requiring support, offer clinical assessment, and recommend resources/supports that are best suited to meet their needs. The navigator will provide you with all relevant details about the resources such as the name, location and contact information. Parents/caregivers or professionals are to reach out to access the resources. A follow-up appointment will be booked to discuss whether the supports accessed were a good fit. If there are access barriers including such things as excessive waiting lists, transportation challenges or unanticipated financial costs, the navigator will help identify other resources and support options. 

Intake Process:

You may call or email the mental health and addiction navigator to begin the intake process. Additionally, to speed up the intake process, you may complete the assessment form below. However, the assessment form does not need to be completed before contacting the mental health and addiction navigator.

Meet our Mental Health and Addiction Navigator:

Chad Dalley, MC, CYCW

Chad has been working at Hull Services for over a decade. In this time, he has had the opportunity to work in a variety of programs in both community and therapeutic campus-based care settings, supporting a wide range of needs including trauma, behavioral needs, educational struggles, grief and more. 


  • Are the appointments in-person or online?

    Appointments are conducted via phone or online meeting platforms (E.g., Zoom). 

  • Does the youth have to participate in the appointment?

    Participation is 100% voluntary. If the youth is not willing to participate, the navigator can still gather relevant information to make informed decisions about the current needs and next steps. 

  • What can I expect during an appointment?

    During the appointment, the navigator will both listen and questions to develop a better understanding of the situation at hand. The duration of the appointment is usually one hour. Upon the completion of the appointment, the navigator will offer insight into the presenting concerns discussed as well as next steps in terms of referral or support options. A follow-up appointment will be booked to discuss whether the supports accessed were a good fit.