Preadolescent Treatment Program (PTP)

Submitted on Friday, 01/24/2020 - 2:19 am

About PTP

The Preadolescent Treatment Program (PTP) is a trauma-informed, attachment-based, therapeutic campus-based treatment program serving kids between 5 and 12 years. PTP provides a relationally rich environment to help kids improve self-regulation and reduce pain-based behaviours.

The Preadolescent Treatment Program operates out of Mike’s House, a 10,914 sq ft space purpose built to support the needs of a trauma-informed group care setting.

Who the Program Supports

Children who are admitted to therapeutic campus-based care require an intensive treatment setting due to extreme pain-based behaviours. These can include: aggression, property destruction, peer issues, sexual acting out, poor social skills, attachment issues, threats of self-harm and, in general, unsafe behaviours. These behaviours are frequently symptoms resulting from early childhood trauma, which could include a chaotic, unpredictable environment, exposure to physical abuse and/or neglect.

Our Approach

PTP uses the Neurosequential Model (NM), an evidence-based practice developed by Bruce Perry, M.D., Ph.D. NM is a developmentally sensitive approach to promote self-regulation by improving brain functioning. The goal of the therapeutic milieu is to provide an environment where children learn through living. To promote social/emotional development, children participate in the Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies curriculum.

Committed To Excellence

PTP staff are trained Child and Youth Care Counsellors who are trained in the Neurosequential Model and use a trauma-informed approach. Counselors utilize the Therapeutic Crisis Intervention Model to support regulation and to teach coping skills. Depending on the child’s needs, children are also provided with psychological assessments, individual therapy, group therapy, family therapy, family work, and psychiatric support.

How to Access the Program

PTP is a managed referral program

PTP serves children involved with Calgary Region Children’s Services. Referrals are made by case workers and triaged through the placement team.