Bridging The Gap (BTG)

Submitted on Thursday, 01/09/2020 - 5:34 am

About BTG:

BTG is a community-based program that provides support for 16 to 24-year-olds who struggle with mental health concerns (self-identified or diagnosed), and experience barriers that impact areas of their life. You must have the ability to identify and work on personal goals, mental health concerns and must not currently be receiving support through Persons with Developmental Disabilities (PDD) or Children’s Services (CS). Individuals supported by BTG receive support for 18 to 24 months. 

BTG Provides: 

  • Education around mental health 
  • Skill development 
  • Help accessing and participating in community services 
  • Creating a customized plan based on each individual case 

Access the Program:

BTG is a self-referral program. Contact the program directly. Referrals cannot be third-party, although members of the individual’s support network can call for information (E.g. Eligibility criteria, services, wait times, financial barriers, etc.). Due to high demand, there typically is a wait time for service.