The second annual Push to Heal Skate All Night event, held on September 22 at the Matt Banister Memorial Skatepark at Hull Services was a resounding success, raising over $9,000.00 for Push to Heal, John Rattray’s Why So Sad? mission and The Centre for Suicide Prevention Run for Life Campaign. Skateboarders, supporters and volunteers united together for an unforgettable night of skating and comradery, remembering loved ones lost to suicide and raising awareness about suicide prevention and promoting positive mental health.
This meaningful campaign sheds light on the critical issue of suicide prevention while honouring individuals who tragically lost their lives to suicide. This event involved an overnight skate session, symbolizing the journey from darkness to light. 19 participants skated for about 7.5 hours from midnight until sunrise.
“For me it was endearing to see so many familiar faces at a fundraising event that is dear to my heart. Depression is something I’ve struggled with throughout my life and hasn’t been always the easiest thing to talk about. The fact that we had younger and older people all bringing light to a sometimes sensitive subject was great to see.” – Skate All Night participant